"In Britain, Media Frets As Suicide Cult Greets Death Cult"
Judging by the exceptions he recently proposed for altering the Miranda warnings, even Attorney General Eric Holder believes that “the Constitution is not a suicide pact,” a truth first stated in 1949 by Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson, and made new again in our time. Meanwhile over in Britain, this week they have a new Prime Minister. They also have a Queen. They have Big Ben. The have, in Chelsea, a world-class soccer club owned by a Russian oligarch. They have an honorable tradition of tolerance, free speech and fair play. But they do not have a constitution. Recently, though, a British judge, John Mitting, signed a suicide pact between his nation and violent Islamic extremists when he ruled that two Pakistani men, one a known al-Qaeda operative, could not be deported due to the possibility of their being harmed if they were sent home....
Read the whole thing HERE. The comments are certainly lively!